The 78th Marion Island overwintering team has gone through some ups and downs. After two weeks of isolation and multiple Covid-19 tests, the team left Cape Town on 9 April at 19:34 onboard the SA Agulhas II with Captain Gavin Syndercombe. The team arrived at Marion Island on 13 April 2021. The Marion 78 team leader is Bubele Nongwejana (see below). He is also the Medical Orderly, taking over from Winnie Moodaley – current team leader and Medical Orderly of Marion 77.
Three members of the 77th Marion overwintering team will be staying behind, forming part of Marion 78 (see last row above): Thando Cebekhulu, Yinhla Shihlomule and Frikkie van der Vyver. These members only joined Marion 77 in September 2020, due to Covid-19 restrictions (see post of Marion Island Marine Mammal Programme below).
Chief Scientist of this take-over is Prof Werner Nel (University of Fort Hare).
Anché Louw, Antarctic Legacy of South Africa, 14 April 2021