Procedures to be followed for the assessment and minimum criteria for reporting of identified environmental themes in terms of section 24(5)(a) and (h) of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998, when applying for Environmental authorisation
Barbara Dallas Creecy, Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries, give notice of her intention to prescribe protocols for the assessment and minimum report content requirements of environmental impacts for environmental themes for activities requiring environmental authorisation, as contained in the Schedule hereto. When the requirements of these protocols apply, the requirements of Appendix 6 of the Environmental impact Assessment Regulations, 2014, published under Government Notice No. R. 982 in Government Gazette 38282 of 04-December 2014, as amended, and promulgated under sections 24(5) and 44 of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998), are replaced by these requirements. Each protocol applies exclusively to the environmental theme identified within its scope. Multiple themes may apply, and assessments for these themes must be undertaken in accordance with the relevant protocol, or, where no specific protocol has been prescribed, in accordance with the requirements of the EIA Regulations, as amended.
Full Document available on the Antarctic Legacy of South Africa archive under resources
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