The 78th Marion Island Overwintering Team has only about 3 months left on the island. This team is working hard and truly making the best of their island experience.
They share some news from the island, from the last two months, in their fourth newsletter.
In this edition:
- The Marion Island Marine Mammal Programme (MIMMP) killer whaler (field assistant) shares some incredible killer whale sightings.
- The Marine Apex Predator Research Unit (MAPRU) and Oceans & Coasts (DFFE) ornithological field assistants share their stories, the reasons behind bird counting on the island, and how they go about planning a perfect round island.
- The base engineer shares an experience out in the field.
- The Sub-Antarctic Landscape Climate Interactions (SANAPLCI) geomorphologist (field assistant) tells more about the importance of equipment, such as the GPS, on this sub-Antarctic island with its somewhat unpredictable weather.
Quote from his article. Read the article to find out what happened!!
- Some fantastic photography features in this edition (including animals and team members working, and exploring together).
To download The Wanderer – January 2022 Edition click here.
Check out all this team’s newsletter on the Antarctic Legacy of South Africa Archive here.
Anche Louw, Antarctic Legacy of South Africa, 17 February 2022