In this Issue of the Marion 81 Newsletter
- A message from the Team Leader.
“It’s a great honour and privilege to be M81 Team Leader. We are done with the first quarter of our expedition and so far everyone is doing well …… I want to express my gratitude to all those who are cheering us on in this journey; our families, our colleagues and our friends back home. It is not an easy journey but it is a rare and beautiful experience. With courage and determination we will continue and we will finish stronger than we started. “ Read more in the newsletter
- In a nutshell.
- An ode to Duct Tape.
- Meet the team.
- A true endemic – Marion’s flightless moth.
- How many people does it take to change a heater?
- A killer-whaler’s magical world.
- Explo Roundy! A new word for Island or Round Island exploration!
- A birder’s introduction.
- The ESSENTIAL guide to escaping a mire.
- World Albatross Day.
- An Over-island Tale.
- Lastly… a weather update by SAWS.
Read the answers by team members to the following:
- Why did you come to Marion?
- Best thing about Marion?
- What do you miss the most?
- Worst thing about Marion?
- What do you wish you had brought?
- What is the best food here?
- What food do you miss?
Weather on Marion Island