NRF One Call for Proposals 2020/2021
NRF One Call for Proposals 2020/2021
During the last three years the National Research Foundation (NRF) has embarked on a process designed to enhance and simplify the NRF administrative interface with Researchers, Students and Designated Authorities. This has been done by streamlining its application templates and its Call Opening process, in line with the forthcoming Research Support Strategies by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the NRF.
The NRF therefore has pleasure in announcing the opening of the NRF One Call for Proposals.
The Call includes the following funding categories:
- Concept Notes
- Customised Programmes
- Infrastructure
- Institutional Grants
- Postdoctoral Grants
- Research Grants: General
- Research Grants: International
- Research Grants: Thuthuka
- Research Grants: Without Student Support
- Travel, Training and Conference Grants
- Travel, Training and Conference Grants: Scholarship- and Fellowship-holders
Applications must be submitted electronically on the NRF Online Submission System at All Framework and Funding and Application Guide documents are available on the NRF website at These documents should also be consulted for the relevant contact persons for each Funding Instrument.