SA Agulhas IIMarion Island BaseMarion 77 will depart today from East Pier to Marion Island. In a press release Minister Creecy (see below) stated that :” As a result of the lockdown and as per announcement of the President, the voyage planning and arrangements have to be reconfigured to minimise risks;
We have taken decisions which we believe are in the best interest of existing participants and the overwintering team which we need to return from Marion Island to South Africa;
To this end, the Department together with key partners and specialist advisors have decided that the voyage will proceed but with a significantly reduced vessel crew and expedition complement;
The expedition will include an essential support team for logistics, maintenance and overwintering. There will be no field science activities during the relief and overwintering periods;”

As the team members is in isolation a photo of team members will be post as soon as possible

Listen to DDG Judy Beaumont  speech to Marion Island Voyage Participants, wishing them all the best for this historic trip during  COVID 19 pandemic. Letter to participants available on digital repository.



Marion 2020 Voyage – Minister Babara Creecy @EnvironmentZA

© South African National Antarctic Programme • Managed and administered by Antarctic Legacy of South Africa • Photo Credits
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