NRF-SANAP Funded Project NameMarion Island Marine Mammals in Changing Environments: Individual Heterogeneity and Population Processes
Principal InvestigatorProf Nico de Bruyn
Affiliation Mammal Research Institute, University of Pretoria
Takeover SealerYinhla Shihlomule
M79 Sealer Michael Ross
M79 Sealer Banele Dosi
M79 Killer whaler Monica Leitner
M80 Sealer Zafar Monier
M80 Sealer Dylan Seaton
M80 Killer whalerTammy Eggeling

What are your plans for this takeover?  

Into our 41st uninterrupted year of continuous monitoring! Takeover is mostly dedicated to training the new overwintering personnel, because most of the action (from a seal perspective) on the island take place outside takeover timeframes. Many long-term questions, aimed at understanding the ecology of the various species populations and their interactions with a changing environment, are pursued.

What are the main interest of the MIMMP in the sub-Antarctic region?

We are interested in how seal and killer whale populations change as the environment changes.

In more detail:

MIMMP does long-term ecological monitoring and research of four marine mammal species (Southern elephant seals, Antarctic – and Subantarctic fur seals, and Killer whales) at Marion Island. Focused primarily on population and foraging ecology, interactions between species and with their changing environments.

Check out the MIMMP Website!


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Text and images supplied by Prof Nico de Bruyn. 

Featured image: The MIMMP takeover 2023 team. L-R: Dylan Seaton (M80 Sealer), Zafar Monier (M80 Sealer), Prof Nico de Bruyn (PI) and Tammy Eggeling (M80 Killer whaler). Photo taken in Cape Town, on board the S.A Agulhas II, before departure. 


Anche Louw, South African Polar Research Infrastructure (SAPRI DPS Node), 02 May 2023 

© South African National Antarctic Programme • Managed and administered by Antarctic Legacy of South Africa • Photo Credits
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