2020 funding and research opportunities for scientists and researchers. See all the inks below and make 2020 count.
University of Johannesburg, South Africa: Postdoctoral fellowship in marine and/or sub-Antarctic island genomics.
The Centre for Ecological Genomics and Wildlife Conservation at the University of Johannesburg
(https://molzoolab.co.za/) invites applications for a Global Excellenece and Stature (GES 4.0)
postdoctoral research fellowship. Full details
SCAR 2020 Symposium
SERCE will be offering grants to support travel and registration costs associated with attending SCAR2020. These will be up to $2,000 USD, and will be awarded to early-career researchers (ECRs) or researchers from countries with emerging Antarctic programs. An ECR is defined broadly as those researchers who have accumulated up to 7 years of research since completing their PhD (taking into account periods of part-time research or career breaks). link: https://www.scar.org/scar-news/serce-news/serce-funding-scar2020/