Team Buoys, team SEAICE and the logistics personnel involved in ocean operations.

Project nameA network of autonomous sea ice observation platforms in support of Southern Hemisphere climate predictions
Principal Investigator & Onboard Team LeaderRobyn VerrinderUniversity of Cape Town, Marine and Antarctic Research centre for Innovation and Sustainability (UCT-MARIS)
Principal Investigator & ship based Chief Scientists of SCALE-WIN22Marcello VichiUniversity of Cape Town, Marine and Antarctic Research centre for Innovation and Sustainability (UCT-MARIS)
Project nameMechanical and biogeochemical properties of sea ice.
Principal InvestigatorTokoloho RampaiUniversity of Cape Town, Marine and Antarctic Research centre for Innovation and Sustainability (UCT-MARIS)
Principal InvestigatorMarcello VichiUniversity of Cape Town, Marine and Antarctic Research centre for Innovation and Sustainability (UCT-MARIS)

Onboard BUOYS team members:

Team MemberRoleAffiliation
Robyn VerrinderOnboard Team LeaderUniversity of Cape Town
Michael NoyceMScUniversity of Cape Town
Agoritsa SpirakisMScUniversity of Cape Town
Lawrence StantonMScUniversity of Cape Town
Justin PeadSenior Tech OfficerUniversity of Cape Town
Ippolita TersigniPhDUniversity of Melbourne (Australia)
Giulio PasserottiPhDUniversity of Melbourne (Australia)
Jacques WelgemoedPhDNelson Mandela University
Francesca de SantiResearch fellowUniversity of Cape Town
Jan-Victor BjörkqvistResearcherFinnish Meteorological Institute (Finland)
Alberto AlberelloSenior Research AssociateUniversity of East Anglia (U.K)

Onboard SEAICE team members:

Team Member RoleAffiliation
Siobhan JohnsonOnboard Team LeaderUniversity of Cape Town
Felix PaulTechnician/PhDUniversity of Cape Town
University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)
Safiyyah MoosPhDUniversity of Cape Town
Tamuka Keche
MScUniversity of Cape Town
Hayley Swait
MScUniversity of Cape Town
Magata Mangatane
PhDUniversity of Cape Town
Lisa Kumadiro
MScUniversity of Cape Town
Dayna Collins
HonoursUniversity of Cape Town

Onboard ocean operations logistics team:

Team MemberRoleAffiliation
Riesna R. AudhIce operationsUniversity of Cape Town
Jonathan RogersonOcean operationsUniversity of Cape Town
Ashleigh WomackSea ice operationsUniversity of Cape Town

BUOYS: More about the project and the team:

A variety of synoptic, seasonal and interannual drivers influence the forms, types and concentration of sea ice in the Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ) in the Southern Ocean. The temporal and spatial distribution of the ice and its physical, mechanical and biological properties are directly related to the natural variability of the oceans and atmosphere, but also anthropogenic climate change. Climate and Earth System Models have limited sea ice variable parameterisations due to the scarcity of spatially distributed high resolution measurements from the region, specifically during winter/spring. To better understand atmosphere-ice-ocean MIZ processes and to improve future prediction of seasonal sea ice coverage and extent, three main approaches are available: (1) in situ measurements, (2) area-wide satellite data, and (3) numerical and experimental modelling. The meaningful connection of these is essential for enhancing understanding of this region. 

Improved use of technology and autonomous devices, capable of persistent in situ sampling at finer spatial resolutions over the winter/spring seasons in the Antarctic MIZ, are key to obtaining the datasets needed to improve Earth System Models and to validate remote-sensing products. This requires a multidisciplinary approach including engineering, oceanography and climate science. The #SCALEwin22 expedition BUOY team comprises researchers and students from several institutes including the University of Cape Town (Robyn, Michael, Justin, Lawrence, Agoritsa and Francesca), Nelson Mandela University (Jacques), University of Melbourne (Guilio and Ippolita), University of East Anglia (Alberto) and the Finnish Meteorological Institute – FMI (Jan-Victor). During the expedition we aim to collect high-frequency wave and ice drift data using ice-tethered buoys (see images below) designed and built by the UCT team as well as open water buoys developed by Tallinn University of Technology and WiseParker OÜ. These measurements will be complimented by advanced ship-based imaging of ice floes and waves using LiDAR, stereo and thermal cameras. These unique high resolution data sets will be used to better characterise wave drivers of sea ice formation during winter and to inform Southern Hemisphere climate predictability.


SEAICE: More about the project

Analysis of structural, textural, and mechanical properties of sea ice in the Antarctic marginal zone.

Read more about the SEAICE team’s research here: UCT-MARiS


Check them out on Social Media:

Fearued Image: (Back) L-R: Jan-Victor Björkqvist (BUOYS), Giulio Passerotti (BUOYS), Alberto Alberello (BUOYS), Magata Mangatane (SEAICE), Robyn Verrinder (BUOYS), Justin Pead (BUOYS), Lawrence Stanton (BUOYS), Jacques Welgemoed (BUOYS); (middle) Francesca de Santi (BUOYS), Agoritsa Spirakis (BUOYS), Ippolita Tersigni (BUOYS), Michael Noyce (BUOYS), Felix Paul (SEAICE), Siobhan Johnson (SEAICE), Hayley Swait (SEAICE), Ashleigh Womack (Sea ice operations – logistics), Safiyyah Moos (SEAICE), Dayna Collins (SEAICE), Riesna Audh (ice operations – logistics); (front) Lisa Kumadiro (SEAICE), Jonathan Rogerson (ocean operations – logistics) and Tamuka Keche (SEAICE). Image Credit: Kurt Martin.


Images by Robyn Verrinder, Agoritsa Spirakis, Alberto Alberello and Kurt Martin (SAPRI trainee).

Buoys team text by Robyn Verrinder, Principal Investigator and onboard team leader.

Anche Louw, Antarctic Legacy of South Africa, 29 July 2022.

© South African National Antarctic Programme • Managed and administered by Antarctic Legacy of South Africa • Photo Credits
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